Kathy Mortensen
3 min readAug 17, 2023


Yoda said: Your path you must decide!

I relate this quote to the third line in The Lord’s Prayer. The Cosmos, authored by Neil Douglas Klatz, describes the meaning of Thy Kingdom Come to include, light, sound and experience connected to our unity, that which is part of all of life. We are to clear the space for our life purpose or desires of living. Although we are set apart from our origin, we are divine, connected to all that is.

At the heart of every individual lies a beacon of light — the essence of their true selves. This light within illuminates our path and guides us through the labyrinth of life. Our experiences, both triumphs and challenges, shape the brilliance of this inner light. Every encounter, every emotion, contributes to the landscape of our existence. Just as light is composed of various colors, our experiences add depth and richness to our identity. During life’s hustle, it is essential to remember that the light within remains constant — a reminder of our authenticity and potential.

Opening Space to Know Our Heart’s Desires To truly understand our heart’s desires, we must create space within ourselves. Like a well-tended garden, this space requires cultivation and care. Amid the cacophony of external influences, finding quietude becomes an art. As Yoda wisely said, “Your path you must decide.” Only by quieting the noise and distractions can we discern our heart’s true calling. This introspection enables us to differentiate between societal expectations and our own aspirations. In the quietude, we can hear the whispers of our inner selves, gaining clarity about our passions and purpose.

The Importance of Pause and Reflection In a world that moves relentlessly, the art of pause and reflection often falls by the wayside. However, it is within these moments of stillness that our intentions crystalize. Just as a calm pond reflects the beauty around it, our minds, when stilled, mirror our deepest desires. Reflection allows us to evaluate the choices we’ve made, the roads we’ve traveled, and whether they align with our inner light. When we give ourselves permission to pause, we grant ourselves the opportunity to redirect our path if needed. This deliberate introspection empowers us to live a life that resonates with our authentic selves.

Living Our Purpose through Clearing Space Clearing the clutter from our lives is akin to preparing a canvas before painting a masterpiece. When we declutter our physical and mental spaces, we create room for our passions to flourish. This cleansing process opens doors to new possibilities and ensures that our energy is invested where it matters most. Just as light needs a medium through which to shine, our purpose requires a conducive environment. When we clear the space — be it physical, mental, or emotional — we make room for our heart’s desires to unfold naturally, unburdened by unnecessary baggage.

Embracing the Journey of Self-Discovery Ultimately, the journey of understanding our heart’s desires and living our purpose is a lifelong pursuit. The wise words of Yoda remind us that the path is ours to choose. This journey involves navigating through the labyrinth of experiences, pausing to reflect on our decisions, and embracing the light within. It’s not a linear process, but rather an evolving exploration. As we refine our understanding of ourselves, our purpose becomes clearer, shining brighter like a guiding star. With every step, we inch closer to aligning our lives with our deepest aspirations, guided by the brilliance of the light within.

Thy Kingdom Come! Clear space for you light! Let your light guide your life path’s decisions!

For support to pause and keep a place or develop a space within, or defining your fears for release, reach out!

Become free of what weighs on you. Kathy Mortensen: Sound Bowl Practitioner; Minister; Intuitive Guide; Master Reiki Practitioner; Certified Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release®.

Youtube: https://youtube.com/@kathymortensen7377

Email: whenbelongingshines2021@gmail.com. Website: https://whenbelongingshines.godaddysites.com/



Kathy Mortensen

Ordained Minister, Reiki Master and Certified Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release®.