Interlude: Power of Words/The Jesus I Know.

Kathy Mortensen
4 min readNov 18, 2022

The time of an interlude serves a purpose. This space of time between acts of a play or concert gives us a breather, moments of life in which we reflect on the past and anticipate the next moments. This intervening period of time serves us. I was served in the past few weeks as I wandered with this word. I felt the tension in the air and the repercussions of a particular Tuesday in November here in the United States. I, though, am not addressing election results, I am addressing decision making, growth and self-worth. I am addressing the need to honor the role of interlude in our lives. Confidence, that unwavering feeling or belief within, gets shaken at times. It is during the interlude one begins to heed the stirrings within. Somehow, the culminations of a lifetime are presented in an instant. Boosting the power of my own confidence.

The experience of my interlude gifted me a deeper knowing. I inhibited my internal compass, by wavering in the past. I am now more solid and steadfast in my own knowing. As the debates rage on about election integrity, the winners, the losers, I found that which I harmonize with. John 17:21, that they all may be one, as You are in me, and I am in You, took on a new meaning for my personal walk. I shifted. The undertones of the arguments between the warring parties in my country have revealed their gift to me. We are all one. I am labeled a heathen and evil by some for following the Jesus I know. The Jesus who taught us the greatest commandment is love. My heart was open to hear my relatives’ fear that if her party lost in her state, she was so fearful she would move.

The control the messages of warring opponents have over us. Love presides in my connection with my relative, politics does not. I no longer feel a need to share my opposing views when there is no curiosity. In the “rightness” of our view lies one’s strength, one’s pillar of confidence! A friend who believes the world is flat no longer rattles my faith. To the friend who claims talking about a child with two fathers or two mothers is indoctrinating children to be gay, I no longer succumb to explain a different view. To the neighbor who labels my ministry as an evil that needs to be wiped off the face of the earth, I am reminded, we have been here before and we will be again. Live your rightness! That’s who you are!

My interlude provided me my power to be steadfast and unwavering in what is true for me. Our Creator, Our Source, God, Jesus……so many labels to war about. I know there is truth on both sides of the war, in the intent and meaning of words and their uses to control or sway or influence. I am content, that in my wander with interlude, there arose more of who I really am. The election causes many to be shaken, shaken by All That Is, within the opposing sides. All That Is serves me to be more of who I am. The God I know loves the winners and the losers. Within that love the perceived free for all for any type of hateful, untruthful behavior, will not go unchecked, unnoticed. All That Is faces its own creations only to be swayed and influenced again. That’s how love is, this deep connected love. I know in my errors and transgressions, I will face my creations as well.

To my relative with whom I share little of what I do, may what is right for you continue to mold and shape the love in your heart. For you have demonstrated love of difference in the deepest challenge one can face! Your immediate family remains in your fold, your care, and feels the love you have to share. We left our playful gathering with the sentiment that is true and unwavering, our love. Through the differences, no matter the color, red, blue, purple, there is a connection. An honor of who we are in the exchange! I no longer make myself smaller, for what is right for me, is right for me. Thank you, dear interlude of transforming exchanges, of facing that which I oppose with more heart.

The theme of my writings embed mystical Christ to Energize Your Sacredness! Love, Acceptance, Forgiveness. The Power of Words to heal hearts and minds!

Gifts from the opposites (there is no light without darkness) = Love. Jesus taught us love. Find your center, overcome the sways to the extreme.

Gifts from paradox (2 differing truths embrace truth) = Acceptance. Jesus taught us acceptance. Great leaders manage through heightened awareness. You are the leader of your life, make it the greatest you! Increase your awareness!

Gifts from pausing (process the emotions and thoughts, reconnect to higher divine beingness, go and sin no more, let go) = Forgiveness. Jesus taught us forgiveness. Forgiveness releases the weight of turmoil that keep us weighed down, within energies of survival. Resurrect and Ascend. Restore the joys of your heart through the power of ascension, to higher energies!

If you are struggling with unworthiness, the need to forgive and replace hatred with love reach out to trusted sources. Become free of what weighs on you. Kathy Mortensen: Sound Bowl Practitioner; Minister; Intuitive Guide; Master Reiki Practitioner; Certified Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release®. Email: Website:



Kathy Mortensen

Ordained Minister, Reiki Master and Certified Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release®.