A paradox of faith: the power of attachment

Kathy Mortensen
5 min readSep 8, 2022

Matthew: 12:37: by your words you become justified and condemned.

The power of words. To what do you attach? Justification or Condemnation?

1. Life: for us to learn, to create, to experience, to enjoy. We each define life with differing terms, from different world views. The life descriptions of enjoyment, creation, experience, and learning belong! How do we know we have learned? We can rely solely on the learning of others, carry on their understandings, and say we are wise for we know like they do! We can justify our actions and condemn those who understand differently. We can learn from an imaginary state, in which we desire to redesign or create a new! We justify constant change and updates to laptops, phones, vehicles, etc. I also remember hearing stories of great grandparents that wondered why anyone would even need a car, condemning that vision. Oh, the tension between staying the same and change! Justify tradition, justify change. Condemn tradition, condemn change.

What lies beyond justification and condemnation? Justified relies on knowing one is right, declaring righteousness as described by God, or math or physics, or name a topic! Justification relies on “being right”. Condemnation relies on censuring, sentencing a punishment, public denouncing, disapproval, conviction of criminal activity. Condemnation relies on knowing what is wrong, an action to be censured or punished, to be convicted of a crime. What lies between right and wrong? I was taught murder is wrong, yet my father served in the military, overseeing radar for a planes path flight, my uncle flew jet planes that could drop bombs. It was right to protect their beliefs and freedoms. Justified killing and condemning of those who harmed the US or in my family’s case the spread of communism.

2. I was blessed within my family. I protested The Vietnam War. I did not protest to dishonor the service of my father in the Korean War, nor my uncle who serviced in Vietnam. I did not condemn them; they were following orders. They lived their justification. My family allowed me to protest, I was not condemned for speaking out against what I felt was an unjust war. Who was right? Who was wrong? Each side had justification and condemnation. I was fortunate! My family demonstrated to me that they loved me, they were not attached to just supporting their point of view. They loved me as I explored beyond the Christian faith of my upbringing! They were able to attach love to me, even though they believed differently than I did as I grew older into adulthood.

I became more attached to viewing the world through a universal oneness. I believe Jesus also came to demonstrate living life with a universal oneness. I still wander with some attachment to the exclusionary precepts of which I was raised. And when I do, the Christ Consciousness in all of us, jars me to detach from the limits of love I was attached to. Carrying on tradition and allowing imagination both have attachment to learning! I can justify or condemn beliefs, actions, and behaviors from traditional guidance and from an imaginary state. How far back in tradition justifies my rightness? My condemnation? I am aware of the role of Constantine, a Roman emperor, in changing emerging Christianity. I am aware of the split in Christianity in 1054, in the Great Schism of 1054. What did Jesus truly intend?

3. Where do I attach, to which do I condemn or justify? I desire to follow the lead of my parents during my years of protest. I was loved. The viewpoints of justification and condemnation were broadened, as I did not walk in the narrow footsteps of their expectations. Yet, I was loved! They showed me wholehearted love. They were there when my home burned down, they were there when I divorced, they were there when I remarried. I’m attaching to that kind of love. A universal love. I can love others that do not believe like I do. I still work at getting my judgements in check, those areas in which I condemningly attach. I love justifying oneness….it keeps me expanding into the me I was intended to be! Oh, thank you to all the leaders who contributed to awareness, for they all belong! I’m grateful to align the Jesus I know with all of matter! Science and Religion belong. The Jesus I know belongs. I can attach something from every religion, from science and connect to all that is.

Explore your connection to the word attach! May the paradox in your life with this word increase your awareness!

The theme of my writings embed mystical Christ to Energize Your Sacredness! Love, Acceptance, Forgiveness. The Power of Words to heal hearts and minds! “The lost tradition of the Word is the riddle of paradox. Once learned, there must be joy in its sharing. It is something that you keep, even while you give it away. You must never hoard it and never give it directly, or its virtue will be lost. You must use it to stay upon the higher path and yet use it also to know when to step off. You can work with it to have a way of your own and to have it entirely. You can take the old and express it anew.” Ted Andrews.

Gifts from the opposites (there is no light without darkness) = Love. Jesus taught us love. Find your center, overcome the sways to the extreme.

Gifts from paradox (2 differing truths embrace truth) = Acceptance. Jesus taught us acceptance. Great leaders manage through heightened awareness. You are the leader of your life, contribute to the greatest you! Increase your awareness!

Gifts from pausing (process the emotions and thoughts, reconnect to higher divine beingness, go and sin no more, let go) = Forgiveness. Jesus taught us forgiveness. Forgiveness releases the weight of turmoil that keep us weighed down, within energies of survival. Resurrect and Ascend. Restore the joys of your heart through the power of ascension, to higher energies!

If you are struggling with unworthiness, the need to forgive and replace hatred with love reach out to trusted sources. Become free of what weighs on you. Kathy Mortensen: Minister; Intuitive Guide; Master Reiki Practitioner; Certified Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release®. Email: whenbelongingshines2021@gmail.com.



Kathy Mortensen

Ordained Minister, Reiki Master and Certified Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release®.